Our annual Ideas to Impact conference was a big hit in Baltimore. This year, we focused on getting your church ready for our all-in-one, cloud-based solution called Realm. And how do you get 809 clients excited about our latest product? You give everyone a free t-shirt and give away a cruise, of course!
The first night, we got our rest on with a pajama party, milk and cookies, and a little worship time before bed.
That way, we were well rested and ready to work hard and learn a lot during the week. As Marvin (the president of ACS Technologies) said at our Welcome session, this experience is like “drinking from a fire hose.”
This year, I worked with the User Experience (UX) team to test the latest designs for Realm. Our job is to make sure Realm fits the needs of every church and organization that uses it in the best way possible.
How do we do that? Well, we asked you! And it doesn’t matter which product you currently use, whether that’s ACS, PDS, Headmaster, or any of our other solutions. It’s important to us that YOU have a say in the future of our products.
If you went to conference, you may have seen our booth in the Resource Area.
You may also have noticed people wearing CAT buttons. This represents our Customer Advisory Team (CAT). Being a future crazy cat lady myself, I especially enjoy asking people to join the CAT. What does that mean exactly? Check out this article that explains everything you need to know about becoming a CAT and sharing your ideas.
It’s so rewarding as an employee of ACS Technologies to make a difference in your work life – helping your church do ministry more easily and efficiently. And that’s more meaningful to me than anything else.
Here’s what a few clients posted on our conference app:
“Thanks once more for the great conference in Baltimore. ACS never disappoints.”
“I found my passion that I had lost. Thank you…”
“I had an awesome week at the conference and can’t thank ACST enough!”
It’s stories like this that make all the hard work worth it.
How about you? What was your favorite thing about this year’s conference? Are you excited about Realm? Share your story in the comments below.
We’re already tuning up for the next one – this time in Nashville, Tennessee. Register as soon as you can to get a discounted rate. We look forward to seeing you next year!
The post Drinking from a Fire Hose: Ideas to Impact Conference 2016 appeared first on Ministry Impact Resources.